pilates for golfers

Emily Miranda-Thompson - TPI LCertified

mpy golf program

Golfers can sometimes incur sport related injuries that are specific to their body or to the sport. At M Pilates+Yoga, we are highly trained in biomechanics, physiology, Pilates and yoga for athletes, and sport related injuries. Our holistic approach helps each individual develop whole body health. Our program will help strengthen core and achieve a uniformly developed body. With a consistent practice you will increase overall body strength, improve stability and mobility, body awareness, coordination, balance, healthy movement patterns, self-confidence and an overall sense of well-being. Let us help you get back in the game or improve your performance!

The TPI golf physical screening will help you identify your limitations and unlock your potential. Programs are designed specifically for you.

TPI Golf Physical Screening: $150 | For more information email us at info@mpilatesandyoga.com